
Friday 13 May 2016

Chess Week 2 Term 2

Yesterday four classes went to the hall to play chess.Yesterday we had a man coming to Hay Park School to teach us how to play,the man told us who invented this game(chess) we didn't know who invented this game.So he told us the story about who invented the chess game,Once upon a time their was a king a lazy king,he liked going out of his room to war and fight but he was too lazy so he asked one of his soldiers to make me a game so I can play.Then the soldiers I have made you a game the called it chess,so he told the king how to play.The pieces of the game was named:King,Queen,Bishop,Rook,Pawn.Look at these photo of us playing chess 1 more thing it was invented in India.The man who was teaching us was Mr Ash
This is the chess board

Show us where the pieces stands

taking turns


Us playing


  1. Hi Osana,
    I've like how you talked about what you did at chess,And I also want to know if you enjoy playing chess and vs your buddy? And I hope that you can go on my blog and comment on my blog.

    Thank you By Vonairay

    1. Hey Vonairay,

      Well I love looking at them playing but I still enjoyed looking cause I didn't get a turn.My buddy was Lorna I was VS Emah and Jahleena.But I was thinking which part of Ash was talking about was your favorite tho?.


    2. Hey Vonairay,

      Well I love looking at them playing but I still enjoyed looking cause I didn't get a turn.My buddy was Lorna I was VS Emah and Jahleena.But I was thinking which part of Ash was talking about was your favorite tho?.



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